SharePoint has lot of readymade function which can help us to accommodate all the requirements of collaboration.
In this article I am going to explain how to use components of SharePoint 2010 in a site.
After creating a site or in an existing site in order to show all the content of the site you have to click on All Site Content option.
When All Site Content page is open in a browser, click on Create option to create a document.
When you click on Create option, a Create modal window will open. Select Document Library option from the Library category and enter the document name as SharePoint Documents as show in the below figure and click on create button to proceed.
After creating a Document Library upload a document by selecting an Upload Document option:
When you click on Upload Document option SharePoint Upload Document dialog box will open. Here I am uploading a word document.
After adding the documents you can modify it by right click on the document. You can also delete the documentsĂ Select the document to be deletedĂ click on Delete optionor you can directly delete the document by right click on it and click on delete option.
Thanks for reading this article. I think this will help you a lot.
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